Timer solution : SL Eco
This public lighting saving system allows driving of ballasts for diming, extinction during a determined time and detection
Autonomous product, all in one, easy to install in a junction box, thanks to its ultra compact case. Easy to implement, it is delivered with a pre-configuration to simplify your work.
You can easily change the parameters with an infrared remote controller to adapt to specific needs and to evolution of the needs of the city. It works without any battery neither internal clock : thus have neither cost for battery replacement nor drift over time
Applications :
On existing lighting point :
Extinction of a few lighting point on a line without extinction of other luminaries of the same line for a very low cost.
Ex : an allotment area which is managed with the same cabinet that the main streets of the city
Dimming of 10 to 100% of luminaries with electronic ballasts
Extinction during the middle of the night of luminaries with magnetic ballasts.
On new project:
Extinction or dimming during the night
Switching on at presence detection
Switch off of festive lighting
Return on investment:
With a switch off of 8h by night, you can get till 70% of savings!
8h x365 days = 2920h on a global lighting time of 4200h/year
50 % saving without switching off
8h at 30 %x365 days = 2920h and 1280h at 100% on a global lighting time of 4200h/year
Detection according to human frequentation
Till 70 to 80 % saving with an economy level of 20 % and low frequentation.